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Birthday Options

Hosted or Rentals

The first step to booking your party is determining if you'd like a hosted party or a rental

Hosted Parties are WHILE Fun Factory is open to the public.

They are 90 minutes long and include a party host to take care of your party.

We include all of your basic party supplies-plates, napkins, table cloths etc. As well as, Pizza, drinks and arcade play for each child.   We do NOT provide the cake.  NOW OUR PARTIES INCLUDE PIZZAS AND DRINKS FOR THE ADULTS TOO!

RENTALS are when Fun Factory is closed.  This is a private party.  They are 3 hours long and include use of the space only.  You can add on use of the gymnastics room and/or gaming room if you choose.  These options are not included in a basic Rental and require the addition of an attendant to staff the rooms.  

For rentals you may provide your own decor and food, cake etc.  the rentals are 3 hours long and are back to back.  We cannot add additional time to these rentals. Please plan accordingly

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