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children Across America

11월 01일 (금)


Pickup prize at 27 Perkins St. Bridgewater

Tickets are not on sale
See other events

시간 및 장소

2024년 11월 01일 오전 10:00 – 2024년 11월 30일 오후 6:00

Pickup prize at 27 Perkins St. Bridgewater

이벤트 소개

All items must be picked up at 27 Perkins St. Bridgewater

Winners will be announced on FB and through email.

One winner will be drawn daily throughout November

Prizes must be picked up during our operating hours

Proceeds benefit Children Across America

이벤트 공유하기

Located in the gray factory building

27 Perkins ST. Bridgewater, MA 02324


Extra Public Parking behind Crispi's 


Monday 10:00-2:00​
Wedneday - CLOSED
Thursday - CLOSED
Friday 10:00-8:00 (4-7 OPEN GYM)​
Saturday 10:00-2:00
Sunday 9:30-12:30 (OPEN GYM)

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